
Bond Abuses Continue

The trend of brokerage firms abusing investor trust with respect to bonds continues with this month’s FINRA Disciplinary Actions (May 2017). This latest summary of disciplinary actions states that FMSbonds, Inc. (CRD #7793, Boca Raton, Florida) was censured and fined for its actions related to municipal bonds. We note this because just last month we wrote a detailed blog post about abuses in the bond world. The current political environment may impact bonds and, if that leads investors to or away from bonds, we want to urge investors to be aware of the significant conflicts of interest and lack of transparency in the bond world that could work to investors detriment as detailed in last month’s bond blog.


Vernon Litigation Group is a law firm with offices in Naples, Florida and Buckhead, Georgia that represents clients in courtroom litigation, arbitration, including FINRA arbitration, negotiation, and mediation throughout the United States. Our lawyers have collectively represented hundreds of investors in securities arbitration and litigation claims nationwide and recovered many millions of dollars from purported financial professionals and financial institutions, both large and small. Please contact us to discuss your rights if you believe a Wall Street firm or other investment firm has failed to act in your best interests or otherwise abused your trust with respect to bonds or other investment products or services.

For more information, visit our website at or contact us by phone at (239) 319-4434 or by e-mail at to speak with a representative of Vernon Litigation Group.

Attorney Chris Vernon

Mr. Vernon handles the litigation and arbitration of complex business and financial disputes, with an emphasis on securities fraud and securities arbitration, throughout the United States.

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