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Big Companies and Big Government Can Be a Dangerous Combination

Monsanto is a company that, based on certain financial metrics, is bigger than some countries. Unfortunately, companies of this size command an incredible amount of influence that can lead to abuse. An example of this potential for abuse involves Roundup, one of the most popular products manufactured by Monsanto. Roundup is one of the most widely used weed killers in the world. Some experts have asserted that a key ingredient in Roundup might cause cancer. However, it is now coming to light that this huge company may have colluded with individuals in the U.S. government to alter the investigation of Roundup and/or the public impact of any government investigation of Roundup. This developing situation was recently detailed in an article published in the New York Times, which can be found here.

Corporate Giant May Have Used Significant Power to Influence Government

The New York Times essentially reports the details of the Roundup situation becoming public in a court case against Monsanto. In the Court case, the Plaintiffs assert that they developed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma as a result of using Roundup and exposure to an ingredient contained in Monsanto’s Roundup (glyphosate). Some of the documents that were unsealed in this latest court case allegedly indicate that Monsanto worked with employees inside the government to influence the government’s investigation of Roundup. From our perspective, it appears that the corporate giant Monsanto was using its significant power to influence the federal government and put its profits ahead of the health and welfare of its customers. In our opinion, this type of behavior is more prevalent when governments create an environment that favors big business over small business.


Vernon Litigation Group is based in Naples, Florida, with additional offices in Orlando, Florida, and Atlanta, Georgia. One of Vernon Litigation Group’s missions is to assist individuals and small business owners against the actions of big business. Vernon Litigation Group currently represents victims and whistleblowers in court, arbitration, mediation, and regulatory filings throughout the United States. For more information, visit our website at https://vernonlitigation.com/ or contact Vernon Litigation Group by phone at (239) 319-4434 or by e-mail at info@vernonlitigation.com to speak with a representative of Vernon Litigation Group.